退党最终带给中国和世界的是什么呢? -在美国国会大厦中共罪恶61年研讨会

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五年前大纪元发表了系列社论《九评共产党》,这部历史文献,最为本质地揭露了中共的发生,发展的历史,特别是中共的邪灵本质。此书一经发表,即可轰动中国民众,从而触发的持续发展至今的三退浪潮。在每天数万人的三退,大部分是国内的法轮功学员本着慈悲救人的宏愿,冒着各种风险,劝退做到的。 在海外,全球退党服务中心有上百个退党服务点,遍及主要的旅游景点和华人聚集地区。仅美国法拉盛就有五个退党服务点。同时,我们还用各种现代通讯手段,电话,传真,手机,互联网,等直接接触大陆民众进行讲真相劝三退。投入了大量的人力物力,而更为宝贵的是无数法轮功学员的无私奉献和克服各种难以想象的魔难大忍之心克服各种难以想象的魔难。


此时,让我们 向所有三退勇士表示衷心的祝贺,也向所有推动这个伟大精神运动的人士表示崇高的敬意。


在这个三退大潮的带动下,中国社会正在发生巨大的反对中共、抛弃中共的变化.今天,如果我们再从国内的目前的形势来看,从中共的非常态的应对中, 我们可以看到中共已经处于解体进程中的草木皆兵的疯狂状态。



但是,最近中共暴政继续其反人类的罪行,企图阻止三退浪潮,最近再次以“严打”的名义,以“维稳”的口号,大肆秘密抓捕法轮功学员,没有任何程序和手续。 使用流氓黑帮手段抄家,野蛮行径犹如土匪打劫,中共所策划的迫害计划、动用的警力、裹胁的人员、行动的规模、祸害的范围,为近年来所罕见。 这说明中共对三退的浪潮、对学员的畏惧和恐慌已达到了疯狂的状态。


中共各地官员把维稳当作政绩,制造所谓的“平安”县,对所有认为不稳定的因素, 都安排了从警察、国安、派出所民警、信息员等进行跟踪盯梢。对手机、上网、坐车等进行实名制。利用第二代身份证做全民监控等,维持着一个每日耗费庞大的维稳体系。对全民实施全面的铁桶式的控制。举统计,目前的维稳开支和国防开支不相上下。各种名目的维稳人员,遍地都是。




套用中共自己的一句话,“那里有压迫,那里就有反抗”。 中共这种全面高压钳制民众自由的做法,实际上就是把中共自己继续推向拥有几千年文明的中华民族的对立面,锁死濒临灭亡的中共。并最大程度激发中国民众摆脱中共、追求自由的勇气和力量,其势磅礴。




无论中共如何“折腾”, 其灭亡的结局如贵州“亡共石”上的天然石刻上的大字“中国共产党亡”, 那样清晰、简明、确定。








The Spiritual Tide of Quitting Chinese Communist Party

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— The last mile to end communism in the world

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the representative of the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, I am honored to be here. Today, I’d like to talk to you about the quitting the Chinese Communist Party movement. I will cover five topics: the what, how and why aspects of the movement, followed by the CCP’s reaction, and conclude with what you can do about the movement. So let’s start.

First, what is the quitting the CCP movement?

In a nutshell, it is a grassroots movement in which anyone who wishes to renounce his or her association to the CCP organizations can express their desire via phone, fax, or internet to the overseas “quit the CCP” website, where a total number of renunciations are tallied. Of course, there are people in mainland China who do not have access to the aforementioned means but wish to quit the CCP, they can simply post a “I want to quit the CCP”  note somewhere in public. As long as it is the decision from the bottom of one’s heart, how it is declared does not matter much. However, the internet tallied number does give us a rough measurement of how widely spread this movement has become.

Secondly, let me to talk to you briefly about how this movement came into being.

In November 2004, the most widely distributed Chinese language newspaper around the world the Epoch Times published the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.” For the first time, Communism was turned inside out, its lies disclosed, its cultic nature revealed, its crimes exposed. The book includes large amount of historical facts previously unknown to the world due to the CCP’s information blockade.  With its logic, rationality and wisdom, the “Nine Commentaries” passes a final judgment on the CCP and calls for those who are, I quote from the book, “still deceived by the CCP to see its nature, purge its poison from their spirits, extricate their minds from its evil control, free themselves from the shackles of terror, and abandon for good all illusions about it.” unquote.

Immediately after its publication, the “Nine Commentaries” became very popular and triggered a massive wave of renouncing the CCP among Chinese people in mainland China and overseas. In Jan. 2005, 50 Chinese scholars declared to quit the CCP in public. In Feb. 2005, the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP was established. Since then, the volunteers of over 100 Service Centers around the world have been processing over 50,000 renunciations per day. By Sept. 2010, a total of 80 million renunciations have been recorded. In the meantime, the “Nine Commentaries” is translated into over 30 languages and has gained enthusiastic support from the international community.

Now, you might wonder about the purpose of quitting the CCP movement. Let me explain this in the third part of my speech.

Most importantly, I wish to point out that instead of being a political movement aimed at bringing down the CCP, the essence of quitting the CCP lies in the spiritual revolution in each individual. There is no causality between the quitting the CCP movement and the demise of the CCP. Why? The CCP is now facing the consequences of its own tyrannical rule over the past sixty years in China. Domestically speaking, it is facing declining morality, frequent uprisings, high unemployment rate, corrupted political system, and endangered ecosystem; internationally speaking, the CCP is facing a multitude of condemnations, including that of its shameful human rights record. Here, I quote the “Nine Commentaries” again: “the CCP is like a rotten, withered tree. It will collapse by itself in a gust of wind.” Unquote. And this is why there is no direct relationship between the movement and the demise of the CCP.

However, the damage the CCP has inflicted upon mankind is not only manifested in the political party, but also in the deeper, spiritual side of people’s mind. The Communism ideology that was instilled in people’s mind will not be easily wiped out when the Party collapses. The CCP knows better than anyone else its final destiny. Intrinsically, it would not exit the historical stage without pulling down with it as many innocent people as possible. As long as someone still has the Communism ideology in mind, he or she will be eliminated together with the CCP. Therefore, regardless of when and how the CCP collapses, the real concern is what should be done to protect the innocent people from becoming CCP’s victims? This is not a political issue, but rather a spiritual issue. And the solution is the quitting the CCP movement.

To summarize, the purpose of the quitting the CCP movement is to help people get rid of the Communist ideology, culture and way of being from their minds. This is a movement of spiritual awakening that saves a person on the spiritual level. Of course, with this wide spread movement, the demise of the CCP will come sooner than later.

With that said, let’s examine today’s fourth topic which is the CCP’s reaction to the movement.

Since its birth about 80 years ago, the CCP’s top concern is its survival due to its lack of legitimacy. Living in the constant fear of being eliminated, the CCP is extremely scared at the quitting the CCP movement. Since the publication of the “Nine Commentaries”, the CCP who is the master in defamation has not publically uttered a word against the book. But behind the scenes, it has been in a wild chase of those who distribute the book and spread the word of the quitting the CCP movement both inside and outside China.

Additionally, it is staging multiple political cleansing or renewing movements among the Party members. Such as the party rectification movement, the renewal of the oath to join the CCP, the re-education to maintain the so-called “advanced nature” of the Party members, the intensive training of Party chiefs, Party secretaries and public security bureau officers on all levels.

Moreover, its Central Military Commission has issued a military contingency plan for handling general emergencies. The June 4th student movement was considered one of these so-called general emergencies. The CCP has also implemented extremely tight control of the ID cards, telephone number registration system, even a tighter rule to purchase train tickets. Not to mention the ever growing cyber police force to maintain the Chinese Berlin Wall of information blockade.

The CCP has been allocating more budgets for domestic stability than its defense budget. Which ruling party is so afraid of its own people? A Chinese saying goes, the water can float a boat, but also sink a boat. All these evidence show that the CCP is trembling from its core, that it is extremely afraid of the grassroots movement of quitting the CCP.

I could elaborate more on this topic if I had enough time. I hope you can get a feel on the magnitude of the movement by now.

So, let’s move on to the final topic which is: What you can do about the quitting the CCP movement?

At this turning point in history, the quitting the CCP movement is paving the road towards a peaceful transition into a better future for China and the entire mankind. The spiritual awakening of the people is quantified into a number which is increasing by tens of thousands each day. Support and praises of the movement has been coming in from all corners of the world. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to those of you who have expressed your support in many ways or forms during the past years. Whether it is verbal or written statement, legislative support, or financial sponsorship, please continue your effort and help spread the Nine Commentaries. The people in the former USSR, Poland and Eastern Europe started the elimination of Communism, now it is up to you and me to join this unstoppable tide towards a material and spiritual world without Communism. Please show your support for the quitting the CCP movement. Your righteousness will be rewarded when history finally turns its page.

I would like to end my speech by recalling the scene on Nov. 10, 2009 when the 20th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall was held. An array of giant dominos was toppled along the original route of the Berlin Wall. When the cascade of collapsing dominos reached the last one which was adorned with Chinese characters, however, it did not fall. This ironic and symbolic last standing domino sends a clear message to the world: “What should we do now to bring down this last domino, to erase Communist ideology from mankind?”

Thank you for listening.

Dayong Li